A Major or Minor in Intercultural Studies

Imagine intersecting the needs of our world with your passions. It’s not far-fetched, in fact here at CBU, in our Intercultural Studies department, when can help make that connection happen.

As you navigate through this season of decision making, I want to challenge you to put an ICS major in Global Missions, Global Justice, or TESOL on your M.A.P.

  • Marketable – Humanity has never been as interconnected than we are today. We will become more globalized tomorrow. Businesses, Churches, Missions agencies, and Non-profit organizations are looking to fill positions with employees who understand issues regarding diversity, intercultural communication, and justice. 

  • Applicable – Every career field in a globalized world is a mission field. Currently there are organizations around the world looking to hire Diversity Officers, Regional Directors, Trip Coordinators, even Vice Presidents who can integrate their area of study, life experiences, with their company goals. Your degree in Intercultural Studies can become your passport to reaching the world while remaining faithful to living out Jesus’ mission!

  • Practical – If you desire to serve in domestic or foreign missions, our Global Missions emphasis is for you! If your heart’s drive is to work for justice in spaces around the world so humans can flourish, you’ll love our Global Justice emphasis. Do you want to teach English as a second language? Our TESOL emphasis could be just the item on your resume the Lord uses to open up that door! 

If you have already declared a major in an area outside of ICS, no stress you can either pivot to add an ICS minor or consider declaring a second major with an ICS concentration and apply for an amazing scholarship that can help you graduate on time with two majors, and not add any debt!

  • Adding an ICS minor: No matter your major, every CBU student must take 9 units ours of a Biblical and Theological Core. Both ICS minors (Global Studies and Global Justice) are 21 units. This means, you can graduate with an ICS minor by only taking 4 more ICS classes! That’s it! These 4 ICS courses provide you with necessary tools to not only succeed in your career field but also help you enter into your field as someone prepared to win people to Christ!

  • Going for a Double Major: Are you interested in growing your insight into the Bible and Christian worldview? Consider a Christian studies double major! The School of Christian Ministries offers a scholarship of up to $3,000 per year to enable CBU students entering non-church related fields to integrate their faith in the world and workplace.

CBU is a university dedicated to the Great Commission. The ICS department is aligned with this mission and we want to help prepare you to reach the world while making an eternal impression on the people you meet along your journey. Contact me today at dhorton@calbaptist.edu or fill out the form below to start a conversation on how to make this happen.

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